Saturday, June 1, 2013

An Update with No Good News:

Okay, truth time. I've been avoiding this blog because I have no good news to report. I haven't lost a pound in almost a month, and I've even gained some. Actually even if I had shed a few in the past few weeks, my scale is somewhere packed in a box that I cannot find. Can you say frustrating? 

I will tell you that the skinny jeans I purchased a month back when my original pants weren't staying on my hips any longer are getting loose. They are no longer skin tight as I like them, but they're still doing the job for now. My shirts aren't fitting any differently, and I can't tell any noticeable changes when I look in the mirror.

I'll admit it: I'm terrified. What if I've completely messed up my surgery? I can eat more than I could in the beginning, but still have trouble with most foods. I've slacked off on my protein shakes, although I'm choking them down recently in hopes that this will help to kick-start my weight loss again. Here's the biggie: I wasn't able to follow up with my surgeon for my 3 month appointment. I moved back to Tennessee the week before I was scheduled, and he wasn't able to fit me in any earlier (shocker). So now I need to find a PCP here so that I can get some advice on what to do next.

So, that's why I've been absent from here for a month. However, I've been busy with other non-weight loss related fun things. I moved home! I'm currently residing in the house I grew up in. It had been empty for quite a while, but I'm having fun unpacking my things and making it my own. It's incredibly comforting to be in a place where I have so many memories. Some are good and some are bad: In this house I spent every weekend of my childhood, learned how to cook alongside my Nanny, spent a year in my room with the door shut after she left me, and held my Pawpaw's hand on the day he joined her. I wasn't able to be here when I made the move to Austin, but with a bit of distance and clarity I'm happy to say that it's exactly where I need to be at this stage in my life.

However, in the months that I've been gone the house hasn't gotten much love. It's just too much of a project for my parents to manage (they have a house and land of their own to take care of just up the street), and although my Aunt is the other owner now, she lives 2 hours away and works way too much to make the trip to the country very often. It was rented out for a few months, which proved to be a mistake, the renters leaving it after a few months and in disrepair. There are 2 storage buildings, a shop, and a detached garage as well as lots of land, the plot where our huge family garden is every year, and the main house with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. Needless to say, I have a LOT to do. *Editor's Note* I am a lucky girl. There has been a lot done to the house so far. There's a new roof, the mold problem that was found as we were unpacking the house has been addressed, there's new carpet/linoleum, and it's been cleaned. Please don't think I'm suggesting that my Aunt and Dad haven't done a lot already. But that being said, there's so much potential here that it's sometimes easy to forget all the work that's already been invested. :)

I've decided to tackle the yard and flower beds first. With the help of family, I'm going to spend next weekend cleaning up, mowing, and pruning. I'm just hoping I can get this place back to the property I remember as a kid: full of life and love. I'm sure all the work will burn quite a few calories as well, so 2 birds right?

Thanks for sticking with me, friends. I appreciate all your messages and comments. I'll try to be more consistent, I promise.

Current Weight: 280
Days Since Surgery: 109
Pounds Lost: 84? (I have no idea)