Friday, February 15, 2013

And So It Begins:

Hi! I'm Holly! I'm a 29 year old single, workaholic gal living in Austin, Texas. I've had five or so blogs over the past ten years, so I'm hoping this one sticks. It's nice to have a place to archive the important things in life, the great days, and even the things that don't work out so well.

A little about me... I'm a self-diagnosed drama queen who claims to hate drama. I love fashion and beauty/style magazines and blogs, but I rarely wake up in time to make any magic happen in the mornings. I work far too many hours at a job that I unfortunately love, and see myself working my way up the corporate ladder in years to come, which is surprising for a girl with an art degree and a background in teaching. Also I use a lot of commas. You'll all just have to get used to this.

And of course there is one other thing... on February 11, 2013 I had gastric bypass surgery. Way to bury the lead, Holly. I'm about five days out at this point and to be honest, so far it's been a cake walk (did someone say cake?). Admittedly I probably didn't do as much planning beforehand as I should have. My mom came to take care of me (a 12 hour journey from Tennessee to Texas), and not only is she a nurse, but she had her own weight loss surgery about a year ago so she was definitely the best person to have around. Plus you know, she's my mom, and when you're going through major surgery you kind of want your mommy.

So right now I'm tackling what all bariatric surgery patients do: the gross protein shakes, the chew-able supplements that are required and also taste like a mixture of sawdust and bathroom cleaner, and trying to feign excitement over the clear liquid diet that I can enjoy for the next two weeks. You know those people who say that after surgery they don't want food at all? The ones who are nauseated by the mere smell of foods they once loved? I am not one of those people, people. My parents have been lovely: sneaking out to meals while I'm resting and not bringing back leftovers, but it's no use. I have the pains for food, even though I am not hungry at all. I even make them describe their dinners to me. It's bad, folks. I've been doing great so far, focusing on my shakes and supplements, but it's amazing when you begin to realize just how much of your life revolves around food. It's sad really.

I'll keep this site updated with my journey because I think it's a good resource to hear from a real person going through the process. Have I mentioned I've already started bookmarking cutesy/cheap clothes from online boutiques that I plan to have in my closet ASAP? Yes that will happen soon, and you'll be part of it, don't you worry. However for now I'm going to go take a dose of pain meds so that I pass out instead of looking at cinnamon roll recipes on Pinterest. Don't judge me, guys. One day at a time.

Weight before Surgery: 350
Days Since Surgery: 5
Current Weight: 342

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