Sunday, September 8, 2013

Back from the dead after 3 months:

July 2013
I've been avoiding this blog since June, eh? Well sue me. No, don't really. You won't get much anyway, I promise.

So a lot has changed. The daily drive from Dyersburg to Memphis and back became a bit much, and I broke down and signed a lease on an adorable studio apartment in midtown Memphis late last month. It makes me feel like I'm living in an episode of Sex and the City but with less sex and FAR fewer designer shoes. The house is still sitting pretty in Fowlkes, and the family has decided to leave it empty for the time being. No one really loves the idea of selling it, and it will always be the place I feel most at home. So currently I'm trying to visit often, and Mom and Dad are reaping the rewards from all my hard work on the raised beds full of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and squash.

The good news is that I have started losing weight again, and while the scale doesn't always reflect it, I'm starting to look very different in my face and upper body. I'm in an 18/20 or sometimes a 22 depending on the store I'm in. I can find things at Goodwill and just about any retail store which is amazing. I actually walked into Old Navy the other day and bought a pair of size 18 pants. Truthfully, they're still a bit too tight to confidently wear in public, but I took them home anyway. Also, they *may* be hot pink. haha!

August 2013
Also... I've been dating! Nothing has been the right fit so far, but I'm having fun experiencing the world of dating again. It's such an awkward process: awkward conversation and trying not to embarrass myself in public. When is it too early to talk about the fact that I've lost 100 pounds in the last six months? I'm still clumsily finding my way in this whole new arena. What's that they say about kissing a lot of frogs? Challenge, accepted! lol

I've been having some issues with my blood sugar lately - sudden episodes where I need to find something sweet FAST or I pass out. I've always been around people when it's happened, but I'm very scared of it happening when I'm alone. My head gets cloudy, my arms and legs turn to jelly, and all I can think about it ice cream or candy. I try to keep a sleeve of peanut butter crackers in my purse at all times just in case. It's happened a total of 5 or so times, but I even get a bit light-headed after eating a carb heavy meal. It's something I'll have to keep an eye on long-term, I suspect.

The doctor also found some thyroid issues that are the cause for some concern at my yearly appointment in August. Apparently my thyroid is overactive, and they found multiple masses in each side of my throat. They assure me it's most likely nothing, but I have an appointment with an endocrinologist next week to discuss options. It's definitely a post-surgery issue, because if you've EVER been overweight, you know that your thyroid is the first thing that every doctor tries to blame. I never had any thyroid issues pre-surgery though, and my panels have been run a LOT - the last time being about 10 days before surgery and all was normal. I'm hoping for some answers in the coming months, and good vibes are of course appreciated. :)

September 2013
This month I rode a ride at the fair for the first time in 10 years at least. It was just the ferris wheel, but it was fun and liberating. I'm also considering starting the couch to 5k program or maybe crossfit. The next big goal is finding a workout regimen. Ugh. Aso, I dyed my hair bright red last week because I was bored with my lifeless, boring brown hair that looks nothing like its full, thick prior life. That's the biggest con of this surgery so far: the toll it's taken on my hair. Shallow, I know, but real. I miss my old hair!

Things I still can't do: eat bread or pasta or anything gummy, digest any form of milk in any real quantity, drink carbonated beverages, drink anything fast.

Current Weight: 261
Days Since Surgery: 219 (I think)
Total Pounds Lost: 103

I hope to have some BIG earth shatteringly AWESOME news next time I get around to posting here. Look out for big life changes! (And don't worry, I'm not moving again!)

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