Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Changes are coming, and 2014 is Going to be Fabulous!

November 2013
To be honest with you, I'm a little bit over focusing so intensely on weight loss surgery here in my little slice of the internet. There have been so many other things going on in my life that aren't related to the fact that I had surgery almost a year ago. Yes, losing 100+ pounds has definitely made me much more open to just about everything, but I'd like to broaden what I talk about here. So from now on, consider this my little diary. I've been cooking a lot lately, and going to new restaurants in Memphis, and I'd love to show you all. We're also planting a garden this spring (yes I said WE). It'll be the first big garden I've attempted since losing my grandparents, and I'm very excited already. Look out for lots of bragging/commiserating!

Halloween 2012 vs Halloween 2013: Big Difference!

First, I'll of course give you an update. I've been dancing right around the 250 mark for about a month. It's frustrating to feel like I'm not making any progress at times, but I know it'll pick back up eventually. It's nice being able to eat just about anything I want, just much smaller portions than before. The one thing I've found I absolutely cannot do is ice cream, and when I eat a carb-loaded meal I definitely pay for it during the next hour. Sometimes it's worth it though. :)

The big news is that last fall during my yearly gyno visit, my doctor found a major mass in my neck. She referred me to an endocrinologist, and then he sent me to a surgeon in early December. Everyone seemed to agree that my thyroid was the problem, and it wasn't an issue that could be regulated with meds alone, so I opted to have my entire thyroid removed right before Christmas. It was a big step, but an easy decision for me. I'll have to take a pill for the rest of my life, and I have a pretty significant scar on my neck that will hopefully fade in time, but it turns out the masses were pre-cancerous, so I'm very thankful they're gone. It looks like I won't have to worry about chemo or radiation since the organ is out, but I have my first follow up today, and I'll get the final pathology results. I'm thinking positive thoughts and crossing my fingers.

Andrew and I at the Biltmore in Asheville, NC in Dec 2013.

Another big piece of news is that I've met someone. He's a super guy, and I am so lucky to have him in my life. He took such good care of me after surgery and is a major source of happiness and love in my life right now. I'll save my silly gushing for another post, but I am so incredibly happy. It's a great feeling.

I'm still enjoying Memphis, although I miss my friends in Texas every single day. I've also been doing a lot of traveling since just before the holidays. We took a fun little four day trip to Asheville, North Carolina in mid-December, and it was awesome. We ate at some fun places, took a trolley tour of the town, and cozied up in front of the biggest fireplace I've ever seen at the Omni Grove Park Hotel. It was a great trip! We came home on a Tuesday, I came back to work for a day afterwards, and then immediately went in for surgery on Thursday of that week. Thank goodness the surgery was the easiest I've ever been through! It's been an amazing recovery. We packed up and went to Andrew's hometown in Arkansas a few days later, and it was lovely to spend some time in the country. Sometimes I think that this city living is for the birds... but then I realize that I get a little bit anxious when I'm too far from a Target. ;)

That's about all the interesting I can conjure for this brief update. I hope to be posting some fun stuff in the next few weeks. Maybe a full post on our Asheville trip, maybe some pics and recipes of all the cold weather meals I've been cooking up (The Pioneer Woman is the second love of my life lately), and maybe I'll even dust off my camera and get some photography uploaded someday soon. We shall see. Until then keep checking back, and I'll keep following you all as well. Happy New Year, friends!

Cheesing in front of the Christmas lights in Batesville, AR Dec 2013.
Goals for 2014: Be nicer to strangers and loved ones. Mend and strengthen relationships with my family. Get my finances and budget squared away. Dress up more often. Eat healthier. Find my way to 200 pounds. Plant a garden. Send more thank you cards. Finally create/assemble that family cookbook for gifts next Christmas.

Current Weight: 250
Days Since Surgery: 340ish
Total Pounds Lost: 114

*Editor's Note: it just occurred to me that I'm wearing the same scarf in 3/4 of the pictures included in this post. Must buy new cold weather accessories! lol

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