Thursday, June 5, 2014

And Just Like That: It's JUNE!

Oh my how the time flies! I promise I had better intentions when it came to this little internet home, but things got a little bit crazy, and this blog was neglected yet again. This seems to be a constant theme here, so I’m sure you’re used to it. J Moving on…

Big changes have come and gone since we last “spoke”. I’m spending must more time at the cabin in Mississippi, which is lovely. We’ve planted a big vegetable garden, and while I was worried for a while because the plants were looking pretty sickly, the hot, humid weather has kicked in here in the Mid-South, and things are starting to thrive (except the peppers… they still have me worried). I also spent a small fortune on a boat-load of flowers that we planted out front by the well house. We call it our butterfly garden, and it’s booming! We have black-eyed susans, salvia, three butterfly bushes, and lots of herbs that are taking off. There’s a little bit of everything in that 5 square foot plot, and it’s gorgeous! We also landscaped out front adding sweet brooms, azaleas, hosta, and roses to the flower beds. Admittedly, I’ve gone a little bit (or a lot) overboard this year, but it’s nice to be at the point where we can sit back, relax on the newly decorated porch, and look out at all the pretty things growing.
I’ve also started a new job, which was a big decision for me. I think it’ll be a good move long-term, but it’s definitely had some stressful days along the way. Other than that, I’ve joined a gym… we’ve taken a trip to Austin… and things are generally really nice. 

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